How Manufacturers Can Benefit from Azure DevOps

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Azure DevOps is gaining popularity across different sectors, thanks to its ability to create a collaborative culture. The manufacturing sector has largely embraced this cloud-based innovation to streamline processes, improve efficiency, as well as scale production.

All manufacturers need a data-centric approach, and the Azure DevOps approach seems to get it right.

If you are looking for an advanced service to scale up your manufacturing firm, Azure DevOps may be all you need. Read on to learn more about this innovation as well as how it can benefit your manufacturing business.

What is Azure DevOps?

Before we discuss Azure DevOps, let’s first understand DevOps. Azure DevOps is a compound name for two terms: software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). 

It represents a shared or collaborative approach to the task performed by both the software development and IT teams. DevOps ensures better collaborations and communication in the development and operation teams to streamline processes.

Now back to Azure DevOps.

Azure DevOps is a set of cloud-based or self-hosted tools that allow users to plan, build, and deploy codes securely. It is a SaaS platform that simplifies and organizes development and operations activities to streamline the software development process.

Azure DevOps consists of multiple services which help in planning, reporting requests and issues, assigning tasks, as well as tracking the entire development process. 

Why is Azure DevOps Important?

Azure DevOps is no longer an option to manufacturing firms but rather a necessity. As human and security risks continue to rise, it only makes sense to have a secure and effective development service such as Azure DevOps.

Think of the many bad scenarios experienced in a regular business. 

“One of my employees deleted the work servers”, or “we have lost our hosting environment so we will have to create a new one from scratch.”

The truth is, a business consists of multiple employees, and only one employee can damage what you have created for years.

When you have Azure DevOps in your business, complaints become fewer. This is because your processes are cloud secured, and no employee can change the system without you getting a notification.

How Azure DevOps Works in Manufacturing

DevOps is a continuous development process that involves multiple technologies to meet the primary organizational goal. The ongoing approach also means that the same methodology is continuously developed or updated. 

DevOps is applied in the manufacturing industry to provide solutions to the main challenges that the industry faces. From the need to automate to analyzing supply deficiencies, DevOps provides an excellent solution to help manufacturing firms meet their goals.

Azure DevOps helps manufacturing firms to:

  • Manage their applications
  • Update the existing hardware
  • Automate the internal manufacturing processes
  • Implement new features

How Manufacturers Can Benefit from Azure DevOps

Successful management of a manufacturing firm means you constantly analyze your firm and find new ways to increase efficiency, accuracy as well as reduce expenses. Here are the primary benefits of utilizing Azure DevOps in the manufacturing sector:

1. Improved Collaboration 

One of the main issues affecting manufacturing firms is the lack of collaboration. When the internal teams don’t work cooperatively to execute tasks or projects, conflict arises, and the room for errors becomes more extensive.

Poor collaborations in the manufacturing sector bring several adverse effects, whereby some are costly and could raise legal issues. Such effects include time wastage, low morale, poor work execution, as well as security risks.

The Azure DevOps approach also bridges the development and operations team gap, making each team aware of the other team’s tasks.

This collaboration increases openness at work and results in quality checks, better products testing, and overall work improvement.

2. Automation of Processes

The manufacturing sector is quite busy, with lots of activities being done. Besides, the manufacturing sector suffered a significant blow caused by COVID-19. Following the drastic downturn of the industry, automation has become the new norm in the industry as manufacturers continue to observe the social distancing rules.

By automating the main activities, your business can achieve higher efficiency levels. The Azure DevOps automation service provides manufacturing firms with the following benefits:

  • Reduced reliance on a single team/source
  • Establishment of an error-free work environment
  • Reduction of overall operations costs

Some of the tasks that manufacturing firms can benefit from for the DevOps automation services include deploying app services, creating custom domains, as well as SSL binding.

Manufacturing firm professionals in an office using a laptop with Azure DevOps tools to manage their business.

3. More Innovation

Manufacturing firms need to be more innovative to gain a competitive edge and develop unique products. Assured quality production minimizes pressure related to the production cycle, leaving enough space for innovation.

Azure DevOps service promotes innovation by minimizing errors and reducing the time needed to execute processes. It also allows the key decision-makers in the business to come up with new ideas as they hand over the existing processes to the other team.

4. Speed to Market

The manufacturing industry in Jackson, FL is competitive, so you need to implement ideas quickly to sell your products. Azure DevOps allows quicker implementation of activities in the following ways:

  • Problems are identified as soon as they arise
  • The live environment remain uninterrupted during the testing and staging phases of development
  • Applications and sites get deployed at any time of the day
  • Frees the company from worries of having broken applications and sites 

5. Expert Services

Nothing frustrates manufacturers other than having faulty software applications. The case is different with Azure DevOps because software issues become minimal or absent. Here’s how the Azure DevOps services maintain the production software of your business:

  • Proactive troubleshooting 24/7, meaning faults in your software are identified and corrected early
  • Continuous development of new features
  • Code promotion without necessarily breaking the entire application or site

6. Hosting and Transfer Flexibility

Azure DevOps supports both cloud and on-premise hosting methods. If you want to host in the cloud, you will enjoy the benefits of automatic updates on new feature addictions or fixing errors.

On the other hand, you can enjoy a completely closed system if this is what you need. The DevOps service works well in both options and you can also switch from one hosting environment to the other. 

Transferability is also flexible because you can easily move a codebase or deployment process to another manufacturer or agency.

7. Improved Security

Perhaps, security is one of the leading reasons you need Azure DevOps in your manufacturing business. 

DevOps configures your systems such that employees can only change or configure what they do only. This added security protects your business from unwanted accidents as well as reduces the opportunities for employees who might want to act out of malice. 

8. Time and Money Savings

Humans are prone to mistakes, and computers do precisely what a person instructs them to do. With Azure DevOps, you can automate the development steps to increase efficiency as well as save time and money caused by human errors when they don’t remember the steps.

How to Implement DevOps in Your Manufacturing Firm

Here are four key areas where you can get started with Azure DevOps in your business:

1. Adapt the DevOps Culture

People play a vital role in the success of a DevOps service in an organization. Creating awareness is the initial step for creating a DevOps culture. Here are multiple approaches that you can use to instill a DevOps culture to employees in your manufacturing firm:

  • Train your team on Azure DevOps to increase their knowledge of the critical approaches and concepts.
  • Encourage the operations and the development teams to work together.
  • Invest in the development skills needed by people to work in the cross-functional department in the business.
  • Ensure leaders come from multiple levels in the organizations, and not only from the top.

2. Improve Automation

Automation increases efficiency in your firm and facilitates the time you spend on the development process. Here are a few approaches to consider as you expand automation in your manufacturing business:

  • Use cloud success to improve collaboration between the development and the operations teams.
  • Automate testing in your development processes to identify bugs and fix them early enough.

3. Adopt a Lean Practice

Here are helpful steps to adopt a lean working practice in your manufacturing business:

  • Ensure your cross-functional teams have open communication and transparency to reduce the time spent on projects.
  • Visualize your development projects on a kabrad board so that they can see how much work they have to do before accomplishing the project.
  • Reduce the size of work batches. Short batches will move through the system quickly, allowing the team to get quick feedback as well as correct any errors before progressing to the next step.
  • Allow the teams to set paces that they can maintain without compromising the quality of the work.

4. Encourage Collaboration

At its core, Azure DevOps also encourages collaboration between departments in an organization. Do you encourage teamwork in your manufacturing business? If teams work individually in your manufacturing, start enhancing collaboration and encourage the teams to work together.

Get Started with Azure DevOps

Manufacturing firms that commit to Azure DevOps create an excellent environment for their teams to perform well. Yes, there are many other systems that work just like Azure. But still, the Azure DevOps can be beneficial to your business, especially if you are a manufacturer who sells the products through eCommerce. You can enjoy the benefits discussed above and much more with successful implementation.

Do you need IT help with your manufacturing facility? We are here to help. Our team has extensive IT knowledge, and we can assess your needs as well as provide a tailored and cost-effective IT solution. Feel free to talk to us today or visit our office based in Jackson, Florida.

The NetTech Content Team

NetTech Consultants is a Jacksonville based managed IT services provider that serves SMBs and organizations in Southeast Georgia and Northeast Florida. NetTech publishes content discussing information technology and cybersecurity concepts and trends in a business context.